Monday, April 15, 2013

Full Database Save using Export Dump

Note:  Proofread any scripts before using. Always try scripts on a test instance first. This Blog is not responsible for any kind of damage.

Starting with Oracle 10g,  Oracle has introduced an enhanced version of EXPORT and IMPORT utility known as DATA PUMP. Data Pump is similar to EXPORT and IMPORT utility but it has many advantages. Some of the advantages are:

   1. Most Data Pump export and import operations occur on the Oracle database server. i.e. all the dump files are created in the server even if you run the Data Pump utility from client machine. This results in increased performance because data is not transferred through network.

   2. You can Stop and Re-Start export and import jobs. This is particularly useful if you have started an export or import job and after some time you want to do some other urgent work.

   3. The ability to detach from and reattach to long-running jobs without affecting the job itself. This allows DBAs and other operations personnel to monitor jobs from multiple locations.

   4. The ability to estimate how much space an export job would consume, without actually performing the export

   5. Support for an interactive-command mode that allows monitoring of and interaction with ongoing jobs

Using Data Pump Export Utility

To Use Data Pump,  DBA has to create a directory in Server Machine and create a Directory Object in the database mapping to the directory created in the file system.

Creating a Directory Alias

To create a directory alias, you must have CREATE ANY DIRECTORY system privileges.

Use a CREATE DIRECTORY statement to create a new directory alias, or a REPLACE DIRECTORY statement to redefine an existing directory alias, using the following PL/SQL syntax:



alias is the name of the directory alias.

pathname is the physical directory path.
Granting Access Rights to a Directory Alias

After you create a directory alias, grant users and groups access rights to the files contained in that directory, using the following PL/SQL syntax:

GRANT permission ON DIRECTORY alias TO {user | role | PUBLIC};


permission is one of the following:

    READ for read-only access
    WRITE for write-only access
    ALL for read and write access

alias is the name of the directory alias.

user is a database user name. That user gets immediate access rights.

role is a database role. All users who have been granted that role get immediate access rights.

PUBLIC is all database users. All users gets immediate access rights.

Example: Creating and Using a Directory Alias

The following SQL commands create a directory alias named data_pump_dir to control access to a directory named /oracle/admin/dpdump and grant read access to all users.

$mkdir -p /oracle/admin/dpdump
$sqlplus /nolog

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Apr 15 05:33:05 2013

Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.

SQL> connect /as sysdba

SQL>create directory data_pump_dir as '/oracle/admin/dpdump';

Now grant access on this directory object to PUBLIC or to any specific user

SQL> grant read,write on directory data_pump_dir to public;
SQL> grant read,write on directory data_pump_dir to system;

To crosscheck at database end use the following query:

SQL> desc dba_directories

SQL> set linesize 121
SQL> col owner format a15
SQL> col directory_name format a20
SQL> col directory_path format a70

SQL> SELECT * FROM dba_directories;

Example of Exporting a Full Database

To Export Full Database, give the following command

$expdp system/****** FULL=y DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=full.dmp
             LOGFILE=fullexp.log JOB_NAME=expdp_fulldb_job

The above command will export the full database and it will create the dump file full.dmp in the directory on the server (/oracle/admin/dpdump/)

In some cases where the Database is in Terabytes the above command will not feasible since the dump file size will be larger than the operating system limit, and hence export will fail. In this situation you can create multiple dump files by typing the following command

$expdp system/****** FULL=y DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=full%U.dmp
       FILESIZE=5G  LOGFILE=fullexp.log JOB_NAME=expdp_fulldb_job

This will create multiple dump files named full01.dmp, full02.dmp, full03.dmp and so on. The FILESIZE parameter specifies how much larger the dump file should be.

Example of Exporting a Schema

To export all the objects of SCOTT’S schema you can run the following export data pump command.

$expdp scott/****** DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=scott_schema.dmp

You can omit SCHEMAS since the default mode of Data Pump export is SCHEMAS only.

If you want to export objects of multiple schemas you can specify the following command

$expdp system/****** DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=HED_schema.dmp

Exporting Individual Tables using Data Pump Export

You can use Data Pump Export utility to export individual tables. The following example shows the syntax to export tables

$expdp hr/****** DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=tables.dmp 


Exporting Tables located in a Tablespace

If you want to export tables located in a particular tablespace you can type the following command

$expdp hr/****** DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=tbs.dmp

TABLESPACES=tbs_4, tbs_5, tbs_6

The above will export all the objects located in tbs_4,tbs_5,tbs_6

Excluding and Including Objects during Export

You can exclude objects while performing a export by using EXCLUDE option of Data Pump utility. For example you are exporting a schema and don’t want to export tables whose name  starts with “A” then you can type the following command

$expdp scott/****** DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=scott_schema.dmp

Then all tables in Scott’s Schema whose name starts with “A “ will not be exported.

Similarly you can also INCLUDE option to only export certain objects like this

$expdp scott/****** DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=scott_schema.dmp

This is opposite of EXCLUDE option i.e. it will export only those tables of Scott’s schema whose name starts with “A”

Similarly you can also exclude INDEXES, CONSTRAINTS, GRANTS, USER, SCHEMA

Using Query to Filter Rows during Export

You can use QUERY option to export only required rows. For Example, the following will export only those rows of employees tables whose salary is above 10000 and whose dept id is 10.

 expdp hr/****** QUERY=emp:'"WHERE dept_id > 10 AND sal > 10000"'

        NOLOGFILE=y DIRECTORY=dpump_dir1 DUMPFILE=exp1.dmp

Suspending and Resuming Export Jobs (Attaching and Re-Attaching to the Jobs)

You can suspend running export jobs and later on resume these jobs or kill these jobs using Data Pump Export. You can start a job in one client machine and then, if because of some work, you can suspend it. Afterwards when your work has been finished you can continue the job from the same client, where you stopped the job, or you can restart the job from another client machine.

For Example, suppose a DBA starts a full database export by typing the following command at one client machine CLNT1 by typing the following command

$expdp scott/******@mydb FULL=y DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir 
     DUMPFILE=full.dmp LOGFILE=myfullexp.log JOB_NAME=expdp_fulldb_job

After some time, the DBA wants to stop this job temporarily. Then he presses CTRL+C to enter into interactive mode. Then he will get the Export> prompt where he can type interactive commands

Now he wants to stop this export job so he will type the following command

Are you sure you wish to stop this job ([y]/n): y

The job is placed in a stopped state and exits the client.

After finishing his other work, the DBA wants to resume the export job and the client machine from where he actually started the job is locked because, the user has locked his/her cabin. So now the DBA will go to another client machine and he reattach to the job by typing the following command

$expdp hr/******@mydb ATTACH=expdp_fulldb_job

After the job status is displayed, he can issue the CONTINUE_CLIENT command to resume logging mode and restart the expdp_fulldb_job job.


A message is displayed that the job has been reopened, and processing status is output to the client.

Note: After reattaching to the Job a DBA can also kill the job by typing KILL_JOB, if he doesn’t want to continue with the export job.

Invoking Export and Import As SYSDBA

SYSDBA is used internally and has specialized functions; its behavior is not the same as for generalized users. Therefore, you should not typically need to invoke Export or Import as SYSDBA, except in the following situations:

    At the request of Oracle technical support

    When importing a transportable tablespace set

To invoke Export or Import as SYSDBA, use the following syntax (substitute exp for imp if you are using Export). Add any desired parameters or parameter filenames:

imp \'username/password AS SYSDBA\'

Optionally, you could also specify an instance name:

imp \'username/password@instance AS SYSDBA\'

Below Script is for taking FULL Consistent backup when DB is running and can be used scheduling on CRONTAB for daily/weekly backup:

CRON ENTRY for the script:

# Export FULL backups (Keeps 7 days backup files) - Runs at 23:30 everyday
30 23 * * * /oracle/admin/ > /tmp/expdp_full_backup.log 2>&1



# Script to Perform Datapump Export backup Every Day
# If any database name passed as parameter then it runs only for that database
# If no parameter passed along with script then it runs for all running databases in the server
# Change History
# ================
# ----------- -------  -----------------------------------------------
# 14-APR-2013 DBA      Initial Version for Full DB export using EXPDP

#Backup Path

#Preserve the current ORACLE_SID, PATH and ORACLE_HOME.


# Establish the number of instances

if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then
    echo "No arguments supplied"
    instances=`ps -ef | grep pmon | grep -v "grep pmon" | cut -d _ -f3-`

for i in $instances


echo "" >> /tmp/oracle_backup_log.rpt
echo "" >> /tmp/oracle_backup_log.rpt
echo "\nInstance Name : $instance_name " >> /tmp/oracle_backup_log.rpt
echo ".........................................." >> /tmp/oracle_backup_log.rpt

# Validate and initialize values for the instance name. >> /tmp/oracle_backup_log.rpt

#instance_check=$(cat /var/opt/oracle/oratab | grep $instance_name | wc -l)          

if [[ $(cat /var/opt/oracle/oratab | grep -c $instance_name) -eq 0 ]] ; then

    echo "The instance id specified does not exist in ORATAB" >> /tmp/oracle_backup_log.rpt

oracle_home=$(cat /var/opt/oracle/oratab | grep $instance_name | awk -F\: '{print $2}')

    ORACLE_SID=$instance_name ; export ORACLE_SID
    ORACLE_HOME=$oracle_home ; export ORACLE_HOME
    PATH=${ORACLE_HOME}/bin:$PATH ; export PATH

# Export full cosistent backup

export DATE=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`

${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/expdp \"/ as sysdba\" dumpfile=expdp_${ORACLE_SID}_`date '+%d%m%Y_%H%M%S'`.dmp directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR logfile=expdp_${ORACLE_SID}_`date '+%d%m%Y_%H%M%S'`.log FULL=Y EXCLUDE=STATISTICS CONTENT=ALL PARALLEL=2 JOB_NAME=EXPDP_FULL_BACKUP FLASHBACK_TIME=\"to_timestamp\(\'$DATE\',\'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss\'\)\" >> /tmp/oracle_backup_log.rpt

#Granting permissions for Dump files
/usr/bin/chmod -R 755 $BACKUP_PATH/${ORACLE_SID}/dpdump/expdp_${ORACLE_SID}_*.dmp >> /tmp/oracle_backup_log.rpt

#Compressing files
/usr/bin/bzip2 --small --verbose $BACKUP_PATH/${ORACLE_SID}/dpdump/expdp_${ORACLE_SID}_*.dmp >> /tmp/oracle_backup_log.rpt

latest="$(ls -lrt $BACKUP_PATH/${ORACLE_SID}/dpdump/expdp_${ORACLE_SID}_*.log | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $(NF)}')"
WORDCOUNT=$(cat $latest | grep -c "EXP-")
if [ $WORDCOUNT -eq 0 ]; then
  #Removing 7 days old dump files
   find $BACKUP_PATH/${ORACLE_SID}/dpdump/expdp_$instance_name_*.bz2 -mtime +7 -exec rm {} \;
   find $BACKUP_PATH/${ORACLE_SID}/dpdump/expdp_$instance_name_*.log -mtime +7 -exec rm {} \;

#Restore Previous Variable Values.

ORACLE_SID=$old_oracle_sid ; export ORACLE_SID
ORACLE_HOME=$old_oracle_home ; export ORACLE_HOME
PATH=$old_path ; export PATH


#End script

echo "JOB COMPLETE" >> /tmp/oracle_backup_log.rpt

mailx -s "Full Exportdump - $HOSTNAME : $(date +%Y%m%d'-'%T)" $MAIL_LIST > /dev/null < /tmp/oracle_backup_log.rpt
rm /tmp/oracle_backup_log.rpt


Oracle ASM Concepts

Note: Proofread any scripts before using. Always try scripts on a test instance first. This Blog is not responsible for any damage. O...